Happier members
with a customized
mobile app.
Give your members a better club experience and
make them more satisfied with the mobil app.

You don't need to be busy with class or session bookings, let your members do it themselves through the app.

Progress Tracking
People work harder when they see progress. Let your members track their progress with the mobile app.

Membership Renewal
Existing members can renew their membership easily through the mobile app or book classes by extras and much more.
When you start using Lapis Management Software at your club, Lapis provides you a branded mobile app compatible for both iOS and Android platforms that you can offer to your members and enhance their club experience. The mobile app has been designed and developed to meet the basic requirements of the members may need like workout programmes, progression tracking, online session bookings, PT reservations, membership renewals and many other things.
Lapis mobile app meets all the needs of the members of the club. When the members can do their stuff on their own, your stuff requirements decrease as well. You don’t need a personnel to track the reservations and booking, members can make reservations and booking with the mobile app themselves. Members can do several things with the mobile app without staff help. Less staff means lesser costs. The mobile app adds prestige to your club and increases the club experience of the members.
See the mobile app in action.
You'll like it, see it yourself.
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