Online booking
and sales
Build your community and grow your brand with
online membership management.

Close More Sales
Time saving sales tool that helps you get deeper information about your potential members and close more sales faster.

Organize Bookings
Your team will land more bookings with easy booking tool provided by Lapis. You'll have more time to focus on the service quality.

Protect Member Data
Member data will be stored on Lapis' cloud servers so you won't need to buy expensive computers and rely on physical data storage.
The most important part of the online booking and sales module of Lapis is, it allows you to save time on every process. Booking could be made by guests online and you can sell your products easy and fast. No papers or no notebooks. Everything is in the internet, on the cloud and safe with Lapis.
It brings the booking and sales processes to online and lets you save time. It allows you to track and arrange schedules, bookings and manage them. Everything is online and on the cloud so you don’t need to track with notebooks, excel sheets or old fashioned softwares.